Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Virginia Politics: There is no Good, Only the Bad and The VERY UGLY

It was a perfect spring day. The sun was shining and the crisp wind blew sending gentle waves across the ponds and caressing my face. The ground is almost ready for planting and the animals are so happy and jolly because they know rich pasture is about to starting bursting from the earth. Little do they know that if the enviromental extremists have their way, they will no longer be able to drink from the ponds, springs or rivers. They will no longer be able to cool themselves off from the water that graces the land. American farming that has survived hundreds of years is being controlled by the green police wanting to prevent agricultural practices to "save the water".

Virginia is twisted when it comes to politics and land -- especially farm land. It is much like the wild west still in Virginia. There is a constant struggle to control the precious acreage remaining that have been unadulterated by humans and mostly remain in agriculture. The power struggle is complex and involves layers that include deep pockets funding radical conservation activists that have a "NIMBY" approach to controling land, the poor politicians that need money from the same wacko activists and then there are the sucker puppet local county officials that are like dogs on a leash with the envirowarriors holding the leash and throwing a bone every now and then. Back in the old days, we could farm in peace and raise families off the land and enjoy the true extasy of real farming. Now it is all complicated by "conservation easements" and inflated appraisals for these easements designed to line the pockets of the rich in the billions of dollars.

We farmers know the truth about the Virginia Conservationists and it "aint pretty".  It is about money and a lot of it.  In fact most Virginians have no idea and see green pastures and think warm fuzzy thoughts about tree huggers when the green police coming knocking on the door.  The truth is the conservation extremists have figured out that selling Americans on the "preservation" and conservation movement is a multi-billion dollar business.  That's right friends.  The conservation wackos are harvesting billions of dollars thanks to Uncle Sam and Virginia suckers. 

One such example is "BISCUIT RUN PARK" but known more as "Fraud Run Park" that is making international news for alleged corruption, fraud and a scam depriving Virginians of millions and soon to be billions of dollars.

Here at the farm, the animals know about freedom and even they can smell foul play a mile away. In my opinion the only good thing that has come out of Biscuit Run Corruption Park is the increased scrutiny placed on these questionable conservation easments and the land trust wackos that broker these fraudulent deals.

There is no question in my mind that in the very near future the entire conservation easement bubble is going to burst and explode exposing unimaginable greed.

Time to let all this bad karma float away in a bubble (until it pops) and go back to our happy peaceful farm world where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for humans and animals are the only laws that the govern the land.

Be well. Until next time remember to find peace and harmony in everything around you.  Namaste

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